File Management Support - Create and Manage File Folders

Think of a file folder like a case file manila folder. File folders are used to organize individual files. In order to upload and manage files, you must first create File Folders to hold them.

Examples of File Folders might be:

  • "Marketing Documents"
  • " Business Proposals"
  • "John Doe"
  • "4321 Maple Wood Rd."

Creating a New File Folder

  1. Hover over "Business Management Tools".
  2. Hover over "File Management" in the menu, and then click on "Manage File Folders" in the submenu.
  3. Click on "Create Folder"
  4. To create a brand new file folder, enter the name of the folder, enter any tags that describe the folder and enter any description notes as needed to describe or enhance the entry.
  5. Click check box if this folder is featured.
  6. Click on additional roles and users that should have access to this folder.
  7. Click "Submit".

Your new file folder is now created. You can now begin to upload specific files to this folder.

Data Sections

Folder Status - For new folders, select "open" in the drop-down menu