Email Support - Email Broadcast Setup and Header Info

The My Market Toolkit Email broadcast setup is straight forward. It was designed to efficiently send emails to large groups of individuals. These important fields help you set up email details:

  • Broadcast Details
    • Title - The title is the campaign identity. Reports and Campaigns are listed by the title.
    • Description - The description allows you to add details and notes to a campaign for future reference.
    • Queue Schedule - Campaigns can be scheduled in the broadcast queue. If a campaign has been approved at the final step, it will queue up to be sent on schedule. The campaign will send as closely to the schedule as possible. If other campaigns have been queue and deployed before or at the same time, the campaign will deploy just after its predicessor finishes.
  • Header Details
    • Email Subject - The email subject is the text that will appear in the email's subject line in the recipient's email software. Be sure only email friendly text and symbols are inserted to avoid SPAM filter flags. Copying out of Microsoft Word and other word processors can allow for disallowed symbols. Be sure to filter them out.
    • From Name - The from name is the name recipients see in the from line when they receive the email.
    • From Email - The from email is the email address some recipients see in the from line next to the from name when they receive the email.
    • Reply to Name - The reply to name is the name that is placed in the reply to field when a recipient clicks reply.
    • Reply to Address - The reply to address is the email address used to send a replied email.
    • Reply to Filter - Often, you may not want the reply to address to be displayed publically. The reply to filter replaces the reply to address above with a temporary email address while the response email is sent. Once the response is made, the email is forwarded on to the original reply to address.
    • Bounce Address - The bounce address is an email box where all bounced email responses are sent.

Sending SPAM compliant, effective email may require some marketing experience. If you find you need assistance in sending an email, please contact our professional services team. Their services are affordable and they are quick to respond.