CMS Support - Web Files

The My Market Toolkit CMS is designed for management of many web resources. Images, PDF, Flash, and XML files may be hosted and maintained for content distribution.

We use a powerful Content Delivery Network (CDN) to efficiently deliver web resources. Once files are uploaded and made available on the CDN, the files are replicated throughout the world to optimize download speeds.

Advanced Topics:

Web File and Folder Requirements and Limitations

File Requirements

  • Folder Path character requirements:
    • May only contain lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores (a-z, 0-9, or _).
    • Invalid characters are replaced with underscores.
    • If two or more underscores are in a row, they are replaced with a single underscore.
    • A folder may not begin or end with an underscore.


  • Each file uploaded in a batch will receive the same settings.
  • Files are limited to 2MB each
  • You may only queue 20 files at a time.
  • This form is for webpage files only and is limited to these file types: JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF, SWF, and XML files. CSS & JS files are handled in separate tools.
  • The [file type] portion of the folder path is determined by the type of file you're uploading and is replaced with the following value:
    • images - JPG, GIF, and PNG files
    • pdf - PDF files
    • swf - SWF files
    • xml - XML files

Uploading Files

To upload files:

  1. Hover over the "Market Place Tools" menu.
  2. Hover over "Web Content Management".
  3. Click "Manage Web Files".
  4. Click "Upload Files"
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Overwrite Existing Files - You may have uploaded a set of files and need to upload the same batch again while overwriting the existing files. Check the box and all duplicate files will be replace with the newly uploaded versions.
    • Tags - Tags/Categories help to organize web files.
    • Permissions - A file may be set to 'Public' or 'Private'. A Public file is available to anyone on the internet by accessing the URL. A Private file is only available to a user who is logged in and has access.
    • Featured - A web site or gallery may have specific files to be selected for featured purposes.
    • Folder Path - While not necessary, some web contributors and managers prefer to use folders or directories in their URL paths. Traditionally, directories were used to organize files. However, My Market Toolkit uses tags and other methods of managing web files so it is not necessary to use folders for organization.
    • Upload Queue - The Upload Queue allows you to upload up to 20 web files at a time.
      • Click "Browse and Upload".
      • Navigate to your desired files.
      • Click "Open". The files will queue up and upload to the CDN automatically. Do not navigate away from the page until all files show 'complete' next to them.
      • Note: Regarding the Upload Queue - the various browsers act differently during the file navigation event. Some save your place from upload to upload. Internet Explorer, for example, requires you to begin browsing from your root directory each time. Google Chrome remembers where you were at the last time you made an upload.
  6. Click Submit.

Using Web Files

  1. Once a file has been uploaded, click on "Manage Web Files" to view the file URLs. An example is:

    Note: One note to make about the CDN: the files replicate throughout all of the Toolkit cloud locations every 24 hours after the first upload. Once they are uploaded, they are instantly replicated, but if they are updated, the new files will not be replicated until the next replication event. If you need the file to update immediately, use the image source URL to use 'useast' instead of 'cdn'. Notice the example below:

    Once an image is at a final modification you may change the URL and replace "useast" with "cdn" so it pulls from the nearest cloud resource anywhere in the world for optimal download speeds.
  2. Copy the web file URL from the field on "Manage Web Files" page and place it into your HTML as needed.

Adding an Image to a Content Page

  1. After uploading your web file, copy the file URL for the file off of the "Manage Web File" page.
  2. Click on the Insert/Edit Image button (Yellow with mountain and sun) in the content editor.
  3. Paste the file URL into the URL field and alter any HTML image settings.
  4. Click OK.