CMS Support - Templates

Your website layout should be separated from your content. Imagine you have 300 web pages on a site and the layout is integrated into the content. If you decide to alter your layout, you'll have to update all 300 web pages to make the change without breaking the site. However, if your layout is completely separate from the content, you can change your layout as often as you like without needed to change the content.

My Market Toolkit templates allow for very flexible design while keeping content separate. This is accomplished by deploying stylesheets and a concept called a KBlock. Each page can contain its own content and its styles are affected by the stylesheets while supporting content can be contained in related KBlocks.

The template can be very simple and a site may have access to as many templates as you want to provide. For example, your main content layout may be different from your blog, gallery, home page, contact form, or any other page.

To set up a template, complete the following fields:

  1. Name
    • Name it as needed
    • Consider a format like: 2010-07-companyname-projectname-version
  2. Description
    • Describe the project as needed
  3. Top of Template - Above the Content
    • Place valid HTML from the top of the HTML layout to the top of the content
    • Use KBlocks and KMods if needed
  4. Bottom of Template - Below the Content
    • Place valid HTML from the bottom of the content to the bottom of the HTML page
    • Use KBlocks and KMods if needed


Notice below that the sections in blue above the dashes would be placed into the field labeled: Top of Template - Above the Content. The blue section below the second set of dashes would be place into the field labled: Bottom of Template - Below the Content. The content is in red between the dash lines. It belongs in a web page.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />



<p>This is an example.</p>

<p>This would be your content area. </p>

