CMS Support - Stylesheets

The My Market Toolkit CMS allows you to manage your stylesheets in one place. Each website can have as many stylesheets as needed.

Creating a Stylesheet

To create a stylesheet:

  1. Click on "Manage Stylesheets".
  2. Click on "Create New Stylesheet".
  3. Give the stylesheet a meaningful title. The URL will be automatically generated unless you specify one.
  4. Change the Status to "Public" when ready to use it.
  5. Compose your styles in the Content area or paste them from some other source.
  6. Click "Submit".

Applying a Stylesheet to a Template

To apply a stylesheet to a Template:

  1. Click on "Manage Stylesheets".
  2. Click the "Edit" (pencil) icon next to the stylesheet you wish to apply.
  3. Copy the Template Code - it will look something like this: [kmod type="css" name="global"]
  4. Paste it into the template between the head tags where you would normall link to your stylesheets. The appropriate tags will be generated.

Note: It is very important that you use the [kmod] code for your stylesheet because the actual link changes every time you make a change to the stylesheet.  By using the code, My Market Tookit automatically generates the correct link for you.