CMS Support - Blog Posts

The My Market Toolkit CMS was designed to efficiently manage blogs. A web master can manage a significant number of posts and other resources.

Templates and layouts are separated from the post content so a site theme may be altered without requiring changes to content. Also, post may be highly optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).

Search Engine Optimized (SEO)

Search engines may generate a tremendous amount of web traffic for a blog. The My Market Toolkit CMS is designed to guide you to building highly optimized pages.

Creating a Blog Post

To create a blog post:

  1. Hover over the "Market Place Tools" menu.
  2. Hover over "Web Content Management".
  3. Click "Manage Blogs".
  4. Next to the Blog to be updated, select "Manage Posts".
  5. Click on "Create Post".
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Content Title - Most posts have need of a content title. While it is not required, the content title may be very important in SEO value. When a posts is rendered the content title is rendered as an H1 title tag. Other page fields may be auto generated based on the Content Title to maintain consistency. The Content Title should be a keyword rich and concise one-liner.
    • Post URL (SEO URL) - The Post URL is the name of the page file as it shows in a browser address bar. Most of the URL is unchangeable except for the web page file name. Here's an example: notice the URL of this page. It is: The Web Page URL a web page manager may change is post-name. If the URL is not filled out manually, My Market Toolkit will convert the Content Title into a web friendly URL name. Once a Post URL is created, you will likely not want to change it. If you do, all links to the former URL will be broken. If you change a URL after it has been established in search engines, it can damage your SEO rank. You'll likely want to settle on a URL and leave it as is.
    • Browser Bar Title (Meta Title) - Search engines rely on meta data to learn more about a web page than what the visitor sees. To see the meta data you can usually rigth click on the web page background and select "View Source" - try it on this page. You'll see a 'title' tag. The Browser Bar Title field allows you to set that data. If you leave it blank, it'll auto generate from the Content Title Field.
    • Search Engine Description (Meta Description) - If you view a page's source (see Browser Bar Title above) you'll see a 'description' meta tag. The Search Engine Description field allows you to set that data. If you leave it blank, it'll WILL NOT auto generate. Compose a concise description with 2-3 keyword rich sentences. It needs to be written for BOTH search engines and web visitors because a search engine may display the description to as search engine results.
    • Search Engine Keywords (Meta Keywords) - If you view a page's source (see Browser Bar Title above) you'll see a 'keywords' meta tag. The Search Engine Keywords field allows you to set that data. If you leave it blank, it'll WILL NOT auto generate. Compose one or more keywords or keyword phrases that your audience would type into a search engine.
    • Tags (Categories) - Tags/Categories allow you to organize your posts.
    • Content - Use the editor to compose/modify your content. This field functions like other word processors except that it works with HTML content which is different from processors like MS Word. Use the icons to modify your textual copy and other web content.
    • Status - A post may have 1 of 3 status states:
      • Draft - Posts are not available publically.
      • Public - Posts are available to anyone via the URL
      • Private - Posts are available only to others who are logged in and have been granted access.
  7. Click Submit

Keep in mind a few things:

  • My Market Toolkit times out after 30 minutes for security purposes. If you have a long page to compose you'll want to save it periodically.
  • Web content is different from MS Word content. The styles are different. Consider copying and pasting content from MS Word and others into Notepad or equivalent to strip out the underlying styles. Paste the clean content into the My Market Toolkit editor and format it there.